Well Done involved so much teamwork from incredibly generous, yet seriously talented people. We wanted to showcase some of the moments that happened behind the scenes. Whether you love to make films, or you love to see films, we hope this site offers something for you.
Dining at Cafe Luna
These last two weekends have involved several shots with Cafe Luna patrons. On July 29th, Maitre D',Veronica Burgess, was joined by Paul Hanegan, Nancy Linstead, Logan Rafeedie, Janet Miller, Daniel Schoenle and Kelly Hunnewell.
This weekend Krista Reckner and Albert Chan juggled orders for a full house, including Tom Gurnee, J. G. Franklin, Bobby Ong, Robert Briscoe, Jo Ellen Briscoe, Scott Briscoe, Michelle Blinco, Nazanin Zarrinmehr, Zarrinmehr-Al, Gail E. Mikels, Jessica L. Skarda-Mikels, Tacha Slusher, Rodney Slusher Jr., and D. Updike. Thanks for coming out and spending an afternoon with us!