This was another case where the Craigslist community came to our rescue. Peter and Carey Dawidzik offered to donate their oven to our cause, provided that we agree to recycle it once the filming was over. Kim Mulligan and Andy Bouley provided transportation and Robert and Scott Briscoe did the actual cutting, which involved building a wooden frame around the back of the oven to provide structural support. Watching them work was amazing!
Because this oven was significantly smaller in scale than Scalini's, Nancy built a smaller version of the three layer cake. Shooting with a wide angle adapter created the proper scale for this scaled-down cake model in relation to Rodrick's face and hands.
At the end of this adventure, we had an oven with no back deposited in our garage. We set it in front of a wood cabinet which matched the feel of Scalini's kitchen, placed the camera where the back had been, and used flags/black wrap to block off the light.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this shot!